This page contains information and links to Amateur Radio related topics and projects with a particular interest in digitial radio communications. Modern digital communication relies heavily on numerical computing models and consequently computer equipment has become an integral part of every modern radioshack. This has inspired many radio operator to write applications which control radio equipment, modulate/demodulate radio signals, track satellites and keep log-books.
Most PC's in this radioshack run the NetBSD operating system as it supports the widest range of hardware platforms with a single kernel source. In the past, it has proven itself to be mature, reliable and a good performer all around. Unfortunately, most of the HAMSOFT applications are only available for operating systems other than NetBSD and hence it has become a self declared goal to port these to my prefered operating system.
Current porting efforts include the follwing applications:
- KFT990 Yaesu FT990 Controller Software
- TFKISS TheFirmware for TNC2 hardware
- TNT Packet Radio terminal program for TNC2, PK232 and PK88
- DPBOX Multi User Packet Radio BBS
- 7PLUS uuencode like coder for BBS S/F
The challenge of building my own equipment has always fascinated me since the early teenage years. It was then that I have completed my first homemade broadcast receiver. Advances in electronics technology have come a long way since then, but there are still a few projects remaining on my TODO list:
- Scotty's spectrum and vector analyzer
- A universal DDS local oscillator module
- GPSDO - GPS disciplined oscillator
- Harris VFD module